elastic_LIVING® , developed and patented by the Austrian architect Angelo Roventa, is a new housing concept that is both future-oriented and in step with the spirit of our time. 

“I tried to incorporate the philosophical aspects of time and seriality into spatial planning, and realize them in architecture,” says Roventa, “…a man cannot be in two places at the same time. We also have different needs in different phases of our life.”

Sliding built-in furniture modules allow different rooms to be created by dwellers at the turn of a wheel or the flick of a switch. Modules can be separated or bunched together in different combinations, allowing certain functional spaces to be opened up in-between while closing others. Living space is “moved” to where it is needed at any given moment, hence the name.


elastic_LIVING creates space where and when it is needed. By means of an easy to use manual or electrical mechanism, moveable furniture modules slide together or apart, improving everyday living space.  

When a room is not occupied, its space is added to the room currently in use. Elastic Living can be installed in any interior space (min 20m2) and geometry. Sufficient space remains for individual design, so that a personal atmosphere can be achieved.

elastic-Living is designed to be used by a single person, by couples and by families as well. The modules are compiled afte functional and ergonimical principles and can be constructed in vaious materials and any colours.

It may sound like interior design, but in its implication, Elastic Living is a relevant contribution to contemporary urban development.



Hotel Kar in LECH

The luxurious apartment hotel Kar in the skiing ressort Oberlech was equiped with an Elastic Living Unit. Glossy technical surfaces contrast the dark brown wooden boards, an open fire place and large dining area create a subtly luxurious ambiance in the stunning surroundings of the Austrian Alps. Photos: Darko Todorovic


Affordable living is the priority in social housing. Elastic Living makes generous living possible on 50 m2. The tenant is very happy.

Barn Living House Bregenzerwald

The key to future living is unused space. The mobile living box is temporarily implanted in unused barn houses in the Bregenzerwald area of Austria. www.wald-wohn-werkraum.com Photos: Dietmar Stiplovsek


Angelo Roventa
Goldegggasse 16/9
A – 1040 Vienna

+43 6991 12802840
+43 557228284

Representative in Barcelona, Spain

Rafael Gómez-Moriana 
architect and educator
Carrer del Carme 89, local 14
ES – 08001 Barcelona

+34 696063926
+34 931 16 82 49

Representative in Zurich, Switzerland

Ignaz Furger
business strategist
Giessenplatz 1
CH – 8600 Dübendorf

+41 44 251 80 70
+41 78 809 04 79